Artcraft Health Future Forecast – 2021
The past twelve months has accelerated and forced almost every business to reinvent themselves, either to keep their businesses afloat or to engage their customers, employees, and vendors in new ways. Digital marketing is more important than ever as organizations endeavor to reach stakeholders on their phones, computers, and other evolving platforms to promote their goods and services.
Healthcare obviously has been impacted as well. Most hospitals and HCP offices have learned to adapt with new patient operating procedures, patient limitations, social distancing, cleaning and sanitizing guidelines, and, in some cases, more dependence on the federal, state, and local governments to help guide their business.
For 2021, we envision the possibilities of even more adaptation and innovation. As evidenced by the exceptionally rapid development of COVID-19 vaccines, the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has pressured vaccine, pharmaceutical, and other healthcare industry technologies to evolve at “Warp Speed.” Rapid change will continue as little-used technology such as telemedicine, which had struggled to gain a toehold in the care pathway, has gone mainstream in a matter of months
On the other hand, emerging technologies will rapidly gain regulatory approval and widespread acceptance in healthcare throughout 2021 and beyond. One example is novel at-home infectious disease diagnostics using established bioanalytical methods not unlike those used in over-the-counter pregnancy tests. In addition, “connected” medical devices will continue to be a vital approach as HCPs monitor their patient’s activities and treatment compliance remotely.
Although patients, HCPs, and other stakeholders have readily embraced sophisticated digital marketing and communication tools such as social media, search engine optimization, and other online digital technologies that provide access to health-related products, resources, and services, further innovation and development is still critically necessary in several areas.
Digital tools such as online and app-based medical instructions and educational health-related resources have become critical in engaging and educating patients and empowering them to take ownership of their health. These tools will be especially important in both new drug launches and clinical trials
Unique approaches to sales force access to HCPs will also be key. As healthcare providers rely more on their smartphones to receive new medical information and less on personal interaction, the challenges of educating them about new products and services will be met increasingly through different channels of digital nonpersonal promotion and engagement, including email, newsletters, etc
Hospitals and HCP offices will continue to provide care differently in the foreseeable future as well. Patients have adapted to waiting for text messages to be invited into offices and wearing masks, gloves, and other PPE to protect themselves and providers, and they have been looking for alternative solutions for access to medical care
Until COVID-19 vaccinations attain critical mass, business predictions beyond 2021 will be hindered by “unknown unknowns” and consequently represent our best guesses. During this period, successful businesses will evolve and adapt rapidly to meet the changing pandemic and social landscapes that are influencing the start of this decade.
About Artcraft Health
Whether you’re conducting a clinical trial or product launch or maintaining a mature brand, effective health education and communication should motivate your customers to take action. We educate patients and providers, help increase rep access, and ultimately build and grow your brand. We’re privileged to service top-tier pharma, biotech, and device companies.
Contributors for Artcraft Health:
Todd Zimmermann, Managing Partner
Peter Worrell,
National Sales Director
Gene Lysko,
Medical Writer