Launching a new medical device?

Prevent 100% of user errors in every onboarding session

AccuDemo™ is a device training system in which a demonstration device is synced via Bluetooth to a training application. This self-contained system guides patients step by step through device setup and usage, preventing 100% of errors in real time by seamlessly withholding access to the next step until the current step is completed correctly.

Certainty of Use™
Device Training Framework

Train patients without burdening HCPs

AccuDemo enables successful patient onboarding without requiring clinicians or staff to provide any device training.

100% accurate onboarding at scale

AccuDemo enables error-free patient onboarding at scale—during device launch and beyond

Eliminate patient frustration

AccuDemo makes error prevention invisible to the user, removing the frustration of making a mistake.

Book a meeting with Marty!

Marty Mason
Senior Director, Demo & Training Devices

Click here to set up a meeting on Marty’s calendar to discuss how Artcraft Health can help with your demo device needs.